Mobile Apps


How you can finally “get ahead” in 2019

A lot of people I talk to tell me they sometimes feel like they are being “left behind” when it comes to starting or growing their business. So what’s the

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Words that Can Block Your Goals

Hello lone ranger,   Throughout my career, I have studied goal-setting from the Greats in the field.   From that time of study, I came to a conclusion that there

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Sales Persuasion Mastery Insider Secret: 3 Questions

You have probably heard the saying, “Telling is not selling” and that the key to sales success is to be a good listener more than a good talker. Both of

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Is this profit killer slowly killing your business?

Recently, during a one-to-one consultation, a client asked me how long he should continue to follow up with a lead. I just jumped out of seat and immediately asked him:

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I hate puzzles but this one will fill your bank account

Puzzle people, I just don’t get them. Sitting around a big table with a pile of tiny cardboard pieces is not my idea of fun. (And don’t get me going

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Did you see the new Rocky movie?

Rocky, the original one, is my all time favorite movie. It was the first movie I watched that actually made me feel something. I remember the scene the night before

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How to get your audience to CRAVE what you are selling?

I am up bright and early this morning and it’s not by choice. I am doing delivering a speech in Suba International, Mumbai, woke up about at 4:00 a.m. and

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Avoid This Stupid Thing

If you have ever attended a seminar, I am sure this has happened to you… You are sitting in your seat, waiting for the next speaker. And then Bandook Singh,

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