Want More Traffic
If you want more qualified traffic this is the perfect place for you to discover how to distinguish yourself from the competition and win more customers.
Want More Leads
Get 13 times more leads with my personal blueprint for creating a great lead generation magnet that will create fuel desire for product or service.
Digital Solution
Discover how to convert visitors into leads and leads into customers, clients or patients and implement this process as well as automate it.
The Headway Story
Who we are
Headway Marketing Strategy (HMS) is a total business solution that transforms businesses and individuals (and lives) each year. We do this by creating gigantic financial breakthroughs in record time with less stress, struggle and less costly, yet more effective marketing. Using online and offline direct response marketing systems, products, services and coaching programs that are often counterintuitive, shows entrepreneurs, small business owners and managers: how to increase incomes, find hidden opportunities, add streams of income, and create smarter, more automated marketing using road-tested methods – “NOT UNPROVEN THEORY”. Headway was founded by Ashhishh Pawar, when he started bringing together exclusive groups of like-minded entrepreneurs, business people, speakers, consultants, sales people and managers who wanted to increase their reach, maximise their profits and create a better, more rewarding lifestyle.

Work with Ashish
Would You Like Me To Personally Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Business … For Free?
If yes than “YOU Are My DREAM” client that I am looking for to bring in massive windfall of money in the next 12 months.
I have set aside some time to talk to you personally. And during this time I will evaluate your business and work with you collaboratively to create an immediately actionable plan to increase your sales and profits.
Feature Products
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How To Become Sales Ninja
Our Clients Say
Many people involved in sales say “Well, I am not a natural born salesperson!” and in so doing, give themselves an excuse (not a reason) to perform at a level below what they are capable of. What if you actually turned out to be a natural born salesperson? What if you discovered you could feel comfortable selling, serve your customers well and provide a better standard of living for yourself and your family? Do your customers, your family and yourself a HUGE favor and invest in the Sales Persuasion Mastery. You are a natural born salesperson… if you will just give yourself permission to be one.
The most powerful sales course I have ever taken. Not only will your selling skills multiply and your sales skyrocket, your life will be forever altered in the best possible way: a life of confidence, rapport and fulfillment.
This course blew past any other rapport training I had taken either live or on tape. The exercises changed us from book smart to street smart persuaders, influencing people throughout the weekend, as we used the skills amazingly well on the public.
As a recruiter, I have to cold call people and make my case quickly. Your products have increased my success rate by 1000%.
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