Before You Begin To Create A Sales Presentation Of Any Kind, You Want To Do Some Sort Of Preparation. It Will Make Your Job Much Easier, And Your Finished Product Will Crush It, Rock It, Kill It.
Here are your steps:
First, you need to make a list of all of the EMOTIONAL reasons someone will buy your product.
You must dig deep, get beyond the surface level reasons, and get to the real drivers that cause your prospects to buy.
For a lot of what I sell, those reasons include power, control, freedom, fear of loss, etc. You need to determine what they are for your audience.
Second, you need to create a list of all the features of your product or service with the corresponding benefits.
The emphasis, of course, should be on benefits. I am shocked at how many salespeople still screw this up.
A typical example is someone selling an information product and describing it as “Six CD’s, a 172-page binder, and a members-only website”
Yippee! Let me whip out my credit card for that exciting bundle of goodness!
While it is essential to talk about features, you always need to give the corresponding benefits.
One of my first sales trainers described it this way: “Whenever you give a feature say or think, “which means to you…”
Example: “We provide you with lifetime access to our members-only website, which means you will be able to interact with other members, so you will always be connected, growing, and making more money.”
Third, is to create an objection sheet. One of the significant differences between one-to-one selling and one-to-many selling is how you handle objections.
In both cases, you should write down every objection your prospect could have and how you are going to handle them.
Here is a very important side-note:
The weakest form of handling objections is what the sales gurus call “denials”.
That is where you use some canned response when a prospect brings up an objection. You prove to the prospect that they were wrong.
Real professionals answer objections in advance in the context of their presentation.
That strategy is even more critical in one-to-many selling like in sales videos and sales letters because your prospect is unable to raise an objection.
You must answer them in advance, or you are going to lose the sale.
To use any of these strategies, though, you need to write down the objections in advance.
Fourth is to write down the offer. Your offer will include the features and benefits, the cost, payments, bonuses, and the big transformation your product or service causes for the buyer.
You can’t start crafting a sales presentation until you know what it is you’re selling. as the late Stephen Covey said, you want to “begin with the end in mind”.
With these four elements in place, now you’re ready to create your sales webinar, sales letter, teleseminar, speech, etc., that will “crush it’ for you.
Note: If you are interested in turning your passion into profits and creating more money with minimum customers. I will be going over my precise methodology for doing them both.

is a direct response marketing strategist, helping people in just about every category of business turn their ideas into fortunes. Ashish’s approach is simple and refreshing and enriches those who act on his advice. If you want Ashish to personally design your marketing funnel that brings in more money, click here
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