Winning isn’t always about hard work.

Smart people take shortcuts all the time.

They just don’t “look” like shortcuts.


Here are my top 20. Use these and you will get better results, faster in 2019.



#1   Know what to skip.

When you get a thorny challenge, ask yourself if you actually need to do that at all. In some cases, it’s not a real need and can be dropped. In others, you may find a side goal that’s a better choice.



#2   Forget efficiency.

Everyone is obsessed with efficiency (power yoga, 80/20 principle, 7-minute abs), but winners actually do the opposite – they seek out hard work and learn to love it.



#3   Always bet on yourself.

If you won’t, who else will?



#4   Become an “instant” expert.

Dive into a subject, read 5-10 books on that topic. Then you can see the key ideas, the common threads, and the mental models.



#5   If you get tired walking up a hill, run.

The momentum makes it easier.



#6   If something takes less than 5 minutes, just do it now.

Rather than making a plan to do it later.



#7   Am I being a donkey?

In other words, am I pointing out problems or am I finding solutions?



#8   Winners focus on action, not consumption.

It’s like dancing. You don’t learn to dance by sitting on side, analysing people’s moves – you actually have to get up and give it a try.



#9   “Would I pay for this?”

Next time you are watching something or fooling around on social media, ask yourself “is this something I enjoy so much I would spend money on it?” If not, find something you would.



#10 Build a goal systems, not goals.

When you set a goal, you can fail to reach it. But with a system you always win.



#11 If the only thing you have energy to do is to play on your phone or watch TV instead SLEEP.



#12 Cut your deadlines in half.

If every time you have something to do and you catch yourself saying, “I am going to do that by next month”, instead ask yourself, “why can’t I do that in half the time?”



#13 Power naps…they really do help!



#14 The very best, make it look easy.

But it’s not. I learned this when I tried to launch a product like 67 Most Asked Interview Question and I failed.



#15 Always try something 3 times.

Before deciding whether or not it’s something that you like/dislike.



#16 Scrape the meat off the bone.

If I find someone I trust I want to learn every single thing I can from them. I want to scrape as much meat off the bone (this applies doubly when eating hot wings). They have seen things I haven’t seen yet… and they want to help.



#17 Perfection is highly overrated.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes.



#18 Get impatient with yourself.

You are probably impatient with other people, so get impatient with yourself. Whatever is on your mind, do it now. You have nothing to lose except for your own time.


Real success comes from following a system — not a random assortment of good ideas.


That’s why, if you want to take your life from “good” to “great” I have one more piece of advice…


Join The Conqueror.


When you do, you will start playing the unspoken, hidden game that allows winners to keep winning while everyone else — even smart, talented people — get stuck and don’t even know why.


It took me years of work, research, networking, and sheer trial-and-error to understand, distill, and finally be able to teach how YOU can develop these skills.


And you can get access to everything I have learned, risk-free.



Have Gee mein Gee!


Ashish “Master Cuts” Pawar



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