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The Conqueror Digital | On Discount : 322.50 750

Get The Simplest And The Easiest-To-Use Goal Achieving SYSTEM That Includes Success Strategies, Tools, And Shortcuts That Have Been Scientifically Proven To Get Your Goals Achieved:

Get Easy FIVE STEP Accelerated Goal Achieving Process
Discover Why Self Image Is Your KEY To Living Without Limits And Setting Big And Audacious Goals
Get A POWERFUL TOOL “Goal Procedure Chart” That Sets Your Goals Effortlessly And Automatically
A 75 Page Guide That Explains The Entire System With Examples (Special Section For Notes)
Get A Comprehensive (55 Pager) Achievement Tracking System Which For ACHIEVING Your Goals
Here Is What You Will Get In Digital Version:
The Conqueror – Guide, 75 Pages
The Conqueror – Achievement Tracking System, 55 Pages
Discount Price:

322.50 750


Beginner to Intermediate

Dynamic Email Marketing Tool Kit Digital | On Discount : 580.50 1350

“COPY & PASTE” these 94 PROVEN Copyright–Free Templates In Your Own Email Marketing Campaigns Without Outside Help Thanks To A System Where 85% Of The Work Is Already Done For You And Make Profits:

86 Copyright-Free Templates To Write Emails That LOOK Like Content But Are Really Pure Selling
2 Actual Email Sequences (12 Copyright-Free Email Sequences) To Sell Any Event, Be It Online or Offline. (1 Email sequence made ₹62,991.00 in revenue and the other got 123 people in)
10 Copyright Emails By Experts To Model, If You Are Selling Any Information
69 Fill-In-The-Blanks Subject Lines And Their Formulas That Get Into People’s Psychology
FREE Coupons worth ₹1250.00 Can Be Use To Critique & Consult Any Of Your Broken Marketing By ME, Ashish Pawar
Dynamic Email Marketing Tool-Kit Has SIX CORE EMAIL TYPES Which Most Businesses Are Not Using, But You Should
Dynamic Email Marketing Tool-Kit Shows How To Plug Your Products Or Services In Every Email You Send Without Sounding Horrible Or Turning People Off
Dynamic Email Marketing Tool-Kit Shows How To Create Email Surveys That Will Show You Exactly What Your List Wants To Buy And How Much Money They Are Willing To Pay
Here Is What You Will Get In Digital Version:
306 Pages Tool-Kit That Has Real Business Examples

580.50 1350


Beginner to Intermediate

Complete List Building System Digital | On Discount : 752.50 1750

A Super Easy System For Building A List Of Your Ideal Customers, Clients Or Patients Offline And Online That Will Allow You To Create Money Even If You Are Brand New:

9 Impenetrable Relationship Factors That Govern Whether Or Not Your List Will Stick With You Long Term
10 Ideas You Can Use When You Are Not Sure What To Talk To Your List About
3 Big Things That Hold A List Together
How To Measure The Effectiveness Of Your List-Building Skills
Secret To Building A Massive Highly-Responsive List Fast Without Blowing Your Budget
Discover What You Should Be Using Today That Will Boost The Number Of Qualified Leads That Come To Your Business
Here Is What You Will Get In Digital Version:
Tool-Kit With Real Business Examples

752.50 1750


Beginner to Intermediate

Complete List Building System

A Super Easy System For Building A List Of Your Ideal Customers, Clients Or Patients Offline And Online That Will Allow You To Create Money Even If You Are Brand New:

9 Impenetrable Relationship Factors That Govern Whether Or Not Your List Will Stick With You Long Term
10 Ideas You Can Use When You Are Not Sure What To Talk To Your List About
3 Big Things That Hold A List Together
How To Measure The Effectiveness Of Your List-Building Skills
Secret To Building A Massive Highly-Responsive List Fast Without Blowing Your Budget
Discover What You Should Be Using Today That Will Boost The Number Of Qualified Leads That Come To Your Business
Here Is What You Will Get In Physical Version:
4 Audio CDs
Tool-Kit With Real Business Examples
Transcripts Of All 4 CDs



Beginner to Intermediate

DYNAMIC MARKETING | On Discount : 1340.31 3117

Dynamic Marketing replaces old-fashioned, outdated cold prospecting grunt work with a system of attracting people to you who are ready to value your advice and do business with you:

Unique And Definitive Strategies To Building List From Scratch This Stuff Could Put You Over The Top Immediately
Business to-Consumer And Business-to-Business Target Marketing Examples Described In Complete Detail—Completely Applicable And Transferable
A Breakthrough Approach To Attracting Top-Quality Prospective Clients Or Customers To You, Even If They Are Usually Resistant
Why So Many Of Your Advertising Rupees Are Wasted, And How To Stop Bring An Advertising Victim Once And For All
A Simple Assignment That Will Empower You To Craft And Convey An Irresistible Message About Yourself, Your Product, Or Service
Unique “3-Step/Prospecting Letter System Works For New Customer Attraction In Any Business

1340.31 3117


Beginner to Intermediate


This system will help even if you have NO Experience, NO Marketing Knowledge and NO Talent and empower you to create compelling email marketing on your own without hiring outside help. Proven methods to virtually transform businesses and sales careers from STRUGGLE or “AVERAGE” to meteoric growth and extraordinary success at blinding speed.

An Ultra-Simple Way To Know What To Write About (Never sit at your computer with writer’s block again)
How To Write Subject Lines That Breakthrough Inbox Clutter And Get YOUR Emails Opened
A Simple Email Writing System. This Is The Roadmap To The Inner Workings Of My Mind When It Comes To Writing Profit-Producing Emails
The Six Different Types Of Emails You Should Be Sending
A Big Secret For Doubling Your Sales
Huge Mistake Entrepreneurs When Writing Emails That Kills Their Results
An Easy To Follow 3-Step System For Making Your Emails Entertaining Even If Your Topic Is Boring
How To Five Times The Effectiveness Of Every Email



Beginner to Intermediate

MEGA SUCCESS SYSTEM FOR SPEAKERS | On Discount : 3869.57 8999

The Mega Success System For Speakers is specifically for designed Speakers, Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Entrepreneurs, and People seriously interested in the business of speaking.

How To Convert Your Ideal Prospects Into Highly Interested Leads Using The Low Hanging Fruit, Mid level, And Cold Campaigns
Exactly How Much To Charge Per Client In Order To Have The Perfect Practice
How To Get Booked As Much As You Wish – A SIX Step Self-Marketing System
How To Develop Irresistible Information Products That Sells By Itself
How To Become An Expert At Platform Selling
How To Achieve Maximum Income From Writing And Being Published

3869.57 8999


Beginner to Intermediate


Stop Striving, Struggling, and Stressing Yourself Out and Finally Discover How To Raise Yourself From Mediocrity To Crorepati! Discover The Quickest And Easiest Way To Create A Fortune In The Information Marketing Business… Even If You Are Starting From Scratch!

What you MUST do differently to create a CORER rupees business vs. a business that only makes you a few thousand rupees a month
PROVEN ways to get powerful testimonials even if you don’t have a list or a name in your market
The EXACT email that gets 40% of the people who read it to sign up for my program immediately
How to successfully LEVERAGE your existing information products and squeeze even more profits out of them
A Big Secret For Doubling Your Sales
Offline secrets of direct mail, space advertising, telesales, etc that can quickly and easily DOUBLE your profits
How to FENCE and PROTECT your market by knocking yourself off and being your own competition
How to create a PASSIVE selling system that will do the selling for you automatically



Beginner to Intermediate


Imagine having a website and online strategy that brings in your ideal customers, clients or patients 24/7. Essentials Of Internet Marketing makes your life much easier and make income while you sleep:

The Untold Dangers Of Having Your Website Built By Bogus Expert And What You Can Do About It
The Basic Requirements For A Direct-Response Site, So You Don’t Have To Drive Traffic Away
Examples Of Proven Sites That Forces Your Prospect To Give Their Info For More Information
How To Create An Irresistible Offer For Your Site So It’s A No-Brainer For Prospects To Respond (Most People Get This Wrong)
Three Impenetrable Formulas For Lead Generation That Will Allow You To Harness The Internet That Has Escaped You All These Years
Essentials Of Good Lead Generation Copy, Including Bulletproof Examples Of Proven Lead Generation Pages Which You Can Model



Beginner to Intermediate


Discover secrets your competitors will never know and tactics to work with prospects who want to buy from you. Sales Persuasion Mastery shows you:

Exactly What Questions To Ask And How To Ask Them To Elicit Your Prospects Buying Formula
Discover Exactly What Value Your Prospect Is Searching For
How To Close A Prospect With Their Own Words
A Simple “Works Every Time” Way To Say The Words Which Are Going In Your Prospects Mind
The Simple Body Language Trick Which Makes Your Prospect Instantly Comfortable
A Tiny Tweak In Your Presentation Helps Eliminate 90% Of Objections
Why Your Current Close Will Only Work On Half Of Your Prospects



Beginner to Intermediate


Whether you want to achieve your life’s biggest goals, get more done, eliminate stress and burnout, or dramatically increase your sense of joy, confidence, and fulfillment, this audio program will help you to achieve it faster and more simply than you may have ever thought possible:

Why You Absolutely Must Set Goals
How To Set Goals The Most Effective Way
How To Achieve Your Goals Ten Times Faster
Ways That Guarantee You Succeed Where Others Normally Fail
A Simple Way To Boost Creativity And Generate Amazing New Ideas
The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System In The World



Beginner to Intermediate


An eye-opening look at the core of all businesses—TRUST and teaches you the secrets to gain it, keeping it, and us it to build competitive differentiation, create price elasticity, attract more affluent clients, and inspire referrals. You will get the essential strategies required to build trust in an understandably untrusting world, and in turn, attract both business and profits.

How To Build A Network Of Referring Customers Who May Carry You To Undreamed Of Success
The Easy And Effortless Motivational Technique To Take The Pressure Out Of The Referral “Ask”
The Secret Method Which Will Get Your Customers To Refer You To Their Network
3 Main Elements Of Your Referral Toolkit And How To Skillfully Train Your Customers On Them
Many Sources You Have Never Considered That Can Generate Referrals
Why Other Referral Systems Fail
How To Reward For Referrals, Even If Rewards Are “Not Allowed”



Beginner to Intermediate


Don’t Ever Make Cold Calls thrashes the old primitive method of generating new business which was practically used by all companies and salespeople. It will introduce you to a new way of doing business and simultaneously increasing your sales:

The Real Truth About Cold Calling – Facts and Hidden Costs Behind Them
Why Selling Is Out and Self-Marketing Is In Today’s World
How To Stop Chasing Prospecting and Start Positioning Yourself
A Shift In Power – Your Prospects And Customers Need You
Your Self Marketing System For Lead Generation
You Have The Leads Now Let’s Get The Sales



Beginner to Intermediate